
The change in picture quality is proof of growth

Changed the creation method from "Full Animation" to "Limited Animation"

I added a voice to my anime.

Improve your animation creation skills

Change the creation method

Successfully created an animation that moves the screen 180 degrees

My animation creation is still going on

自主制作アニメ「Siddhi City(まだ途中)」”Solto de animation(erdan&bayaman&akiko3)"

Animation for ADEM, still on.

自主制作アニメ「Siddhi City(まだ途中)」”Solto de animation(bayaman&erdan4)"

自主制作アニメ「Siddhi City(まだ途中)」”Solto de animation(bayaman1)"

Video making animation

自主制作アニメ「Siddhi City(まだ途中)」"Solto de animation(nursultan4)"

Creating an animation for ADEM Dance Crew (ADEM show)

An animation of ADEM depicting the inside of a car

Kyrgyz vowel harmony

The time to draw ADEM characters has been shortened.

I draw Bayaman'illustration

The first episode of the animation of ADEM Dance Crew (ADEM show) and Solto will be completed soon.

I'm making an anime modeled on them.

This is ADEM show "ADEM Dance Crew "!!