
戦闘開始でスタートを切るだけのアニメ An anime that only starts a battle

「できた」表情だけのアニメ Animation only for the scene of the expression of the mome...

The anime I made was broadcast on a Japanese TV program

自主制作アニメ「アートピア(artpia)biggining [siddhi city8]」

部屋のイラストの色付け Coloring of room illustrations

渋谷の背景画 Background painting of Shibuya in Japan

背景の描き方(廃校)How to draw the background (closed school)

Windowsペイントで描く背景 Background drawn with Windows Paint

Post for the first time in 2 months

Windowsペイントで作ったアニメをただ載せるだけの動画 A video that just puts an animation made w...

The time I can study is getting shorter due to the influence of infection control in Japan.

What is required to create an animation