Post for the first time in 2 months

 I posted on Twitter every day, but this is the first time I've posted this blog in two months.

There were various things during that period.

This time I will upload one of the contents.

I had a tendonitis called De Quervain's disease.

This hurts already.

De Quervain's disease seems to be tendonitis that women who give birth tend to have after giving birth (it seems that it is more likely to occur due to disturbance or decrease in female hormones), but I have never given birth ...

Well, I think it's just overdrawing ...

I also started to take soybeans consciously so that I can prevent it.

The left is the letter I wrote immediately after the onset of pain.

The letter on the right is written after the pain has subsided.

Immediately after the onset, I couldn't keep studying ... It was hard to hold a pen ...

The pain made me feel depressed.

I still have a little pain now, but it's still much better than it was right after the onset.

This is an illustration drawn after the onset of De Quervain's disease and a little pain.

Elamano Kaiypbekov

I made it a new character to make Erdan's opponent.

Currently, it's a little painful, but it's not a problem to make an animation, so I'd like to finish the work and post it on YouTube.
