While opening on an ADEM-related blog, this blog has a lot of content about language study or animation creation.
I really want to say a lot more about ADEM, this is true.
But now, the members of Asia's GT (ADEM Dance Crew) and AGT (ADEM show) are all disjointed as far as I can see on Instagram, so what's going on with ADEM?
I don't know at all
Information on Kyrgyzstan does not easily come to Japan, so it may be a difficult task to obtain information.
I watched the images of Asia's GT and AGT ADEM on YouTube, and I continue to make animations while feeling the feelings I had when I fell in love at first sight (^ ▽ ^;) <but, they has grown up now.
Erdan Kokumbaev's animation
— M.AKIKO=コスモス (@paradox_and_phi) October 9, 2021
ただ高くジャンプするだけのアニメーションですが、個人的に(自分で言うのもなんですが(^▽^;))なかなかうまくできた感があって、お気に入りの作品になっています(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))#indie_anime #illustrationart #artwork #drawing #ademshow #kyrgyz pic.twitter.com/Xb73iu3Qzk
This is an animation posted on YouTube for testing.(No voice added)
The animation posted on Twitter and the test animation posted on this 👆 YouTube also took time to finish (;'∀') <Aha, hey
I think that I have to improve, and if I try to draw as soon as possible, I will acquire a certain skill.
The content about the skills acquired will be uploaded in the next article (^ ▽ ^) /
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